
Honeysuckle Recordsのアルバム、ダウンロード音源、グッズの販売サイト
Music label of a Tokyo-based singer-song writer Yukako Niizuma and a singer-song girl SAKUra

SAKUra Profile
Singer Song Girl
松尾芭蕉のリリックと織田信長の敦盛の舞に影響を受け、BLACK PINK、アニメ、偉人の名言からJ-POPから俳句まで乗りこなす歴史愛溢れるバイリンガルシンガーソングガール。
今日の一句「カミナリだ アマテラスさま お怒りだ」

Influenced by the lyric of Matsuo Basho and the dance of Oda Nobunaga's Atsumori, she is a bilingual singer-song girl with a love for history.
Today's Haiku: "It's thunder, Amaterasu (the ancient Japanese goddess), you're angry.

Singer Song Writer
1978年2月21日生まれ。愛知県祖父江町生まれ。 4歳からピアノを、10歳からバレエを習い『表現』する喜びを幼少期に覚える。 14歳の時、父の仕事の関係でタイのバンコクに移住。インターナショナルスクールに通い高校卒業と同時に大学進学の為、帰国。早稲田大学教育学部社会学科社会科学専修に入学。在学中、ロックバンドサークルで歌い始める。

卒業後、一度は音楽を諦め会社勤めをするも、過労のため急性肝機能障害になり入院。 入院中に、『一度きりの人生、どうせ倒れるまでがんばるならば本当に自分の好きなことをやろう』と心に決め、音楽活動を再開。運命的にジャズに出逢い、プロの道を目指し始める。2006年11月に開催された、第一回さいたま新都心JAZZ Vocal Contestにて200名近い応募者の中から見事、審査員奨励賞を受賞。2007年1月には水森亜土が所属する未来劇場のレビューにゲスト出演し好評を得る。その後、ジャズの活動と並行し、書き溜めていたオリジナル楽曲での活動を開始。

2007年4月9日には記念すべき1stライブを、 ドラム村上ポンタ秀一を始めアレンジ・ピアノに大坪 稔明、ギターに石成 正人、ベースに斉藤 光隆の豪華メンバーを迎え、南青山MANDALAにて行なう。 2008年2月21日には、ゲストに日本を代表するジャズピアニスト佐山雅弘を招いて初のワンマンライブを南青山マンダラで行ない130名を動員する。

同年4月に、佐山雅弘がリーダーをつとめるトリオ『マサチャンズ』のニューアルバム「Sketch of Season」に、詩を2曲提供「You hide something」は歌でも参加している。 11月には初の3曲入りミニアルバムをリリース。 2009年には初の地方ツアーと長崎にて株式会社たらみ主催のチャリティー2Daysコンサートを行う。

自身が作曲した楽曲が2010年1月公開の映画「アンダンテ〜稲の旋律〜」の主題歌に起用される。自身の妹であり、映画の主演女優であった新妻聖子が歌う。 映画主題歌を含めた新妻聖子のアルバムが2010年2月ポニーキャニオンより発売。主題歌以外にSistersなど、計三曲を提供。





Born on February 21, 1978, in Sobue-cho, Aichi Prefecture in Japan. Learned piano at the age of 4 and ballet at the age of 10, and learned the joy of expressing herself at an early age. When she was 14, she moved to Bangkok, Thailand due to her father's work. Attended an international school in Thailand and returned to Japan upon graduation from high school to go to Waseda University. While in school, she started singing in a rock band.

After graduation, she gave up music carrier and worked at a company, but was hospitalized for acute liver dysfunction due to overwork. During her hospitalization, she decided to do what she really wanted to do if she could work that hard and resumed her music career. In November 2006, she was awarded the Judges' Encouragement Award in the first Saitama Shin Toshin Jazz Vocal Contest. After that, in addition to her jazz activities, she started to play her original songs that she had been writing since high school.

On April 9, 2007, she held a memorable first live concert at MANDALA in Minami Aoyama with Shuichi Murakami on drums, Toshiaki Otsubo on piano and arrangement, Masato Ishinari on guitar, and Mitsutaka Saito on bass. On February 21, 2008, they invited Japan's leading jazz pianist Masahiro Sayama as a guest and held her first one-man live concert at Minami Aoyama Mandala with a full of audiences.

In April of the same year, she wrote the lyrics of 2 songs(she also sang one of the songs as a guest vocal) for the new album of the Japanese leading jazz pianist Masahiro Sayama's trio "Masachans", "Sketch of Season". In November, she released her first three-song mini-album.
In 2009 she went on her first regional tourand held a charity 2-day concert in Nagasaki, organized by Tarumi Co.

Her own compositions were used as the theme song for the movie "Andante " to be released in January 2010. The song was sung by her sister, Seiko Nizuma, who was the lead actress in the film. An album of Seiko Niizuma, including the movie theme song, was released in February 2010 from Pony Canyon. In addition to the theme song, she provided three other songs, including "Sisters".

In 2015, she wrote and composed the lyrics for the commercial song (sung by Seiko Niizuma) for JDL (Japan Digital Laboratories). The song was aired nationwide as TV CM.

In 2016, she began to work on her own original album, with Koji Igarashi , the leading arranger in Japan as the arranger and recording with the participation of gorgeous musicians such as Masato Ishinari on guitar and Hitoshi Konno on violin. The bonus track number "Home" was newly written for JDL's new project, and was recorded by wonderful musicians such as Etsuko Yamakawa (arranger/piano), Hideo Yamaki (drums), Matajiro Misawa (percussion), Chiharu Mikuzuki (bass), Joe Kato (strings) and Tadako Tsubokura (chorus).

She has also provided music for commercials and has written songs for TOYOTA's web project called colors. and the KIRIN Kizuna Project.

Her lyrics, with her gentle melodies that have a hint of country song and old folk taste, and her straightforward and positive expression of the feelings of troubled adults living in the complexities of modern society, are well received by many people.